Why Join GRA
Why become a GRA member?
- Are you interested in reaching a wider or different audience with your research?
- Do you have a passion for non-partisan research that informs citizens and decision makers in the community?
- Does your job enable you to know more about government policies, spending, structures and outcomes than most?
- Do you work for an agency that isn’t quite so easy to explain in a one-liner?
If you answered yes to any of these, you are likely to enjoy and benefit from becoming a member of the Governmental Research Association.

Who is eligible to join GRA?

Membership in the Governmental Research Association is open to anyone engaged in governmental research in the general interest.
- Governmental research involves the collection, analysis, and distribution of factual information on governmental activities to citizens and government officials for the improvement of government and the reduction of its cost.
- GRA members research public policy issues and present the findings of that research in reports and oral presentations.
- The research tends to be applied research that helps citizens, elected officials, and other public policymakers make better informed policy decisions.
What does membership bring into your professional life?
Peer relationships & professional connections
- Networking with Peers: The common thread through our membership benefits is the value of networking with others engaged in public policy, governmental, and civic research. Each activity and benefit is designed to help members learn from the experience of others and to promote excellence in the field.
- Annual Policy Conference: The GRA holds an annual conference at which its members meet to discuss professional matters, exchange ideas, and recognize outstanding research efforts. Conferences include sessions designed for both the education of members and exchange of ideas on current public policy issues.

Stay up-to-date on top research nationwide

- GRA Reporter: A monthly email helps members keep in touch between conferences. The emails include news from individual organizations and a news feed of reports on key research topics.
- Webinars: The GRA offers occasional webinars to help members improve research skills and help member organizations to share research findings on subjects of interest across states.
- GRA Awards: At the conference, the GRA confers awards for Distinguished Research, Effective Citizen Education, and Policy Achievement. Member organizations and individual members are eligible.
Why become a GRA member?
- Are you interested in reaching a wider or different audience with your research?
- Do you have a passion for non-partisan research that informs citizens and decision makers in the community?
- Does your job enable you to know more about government policies, spending, structures and outcomes than most?
- Do you work for an agency that isn’t quite so easy to explain in a one-liner?
If you answered yes to any of these, you are likely to enjoy and benefit from becoming a member of the Governmental Research Association.

Who is eligible to join GRA?
Membership in the Governmental Research Association is open to anyone engaged in governmental research in the general interest.

- Governmental research involves the collection, analysis, and distribution of factual information on governmental activities to citizens and government officials for the improvement of government and the reduction of its cost.
- GRA members research public policy issues and present the findings of that research in reports and oral presentations.
- The research tends to be applied research that helps citizens, elected officials, and other public policymakers make better informed policy decisions.
What does membership bring into your professional life?
Peer relationships & professional connections
- Networking with Peers: The common thread through our membership benefits is the value of networking with others engaged in public policy, governmental, and civic research. Each activity and benefit is designed to help members learn from the experience of others and to promote excellence in the field.
- Annual Policy Conference: The GRA holds an annual conference at which its members meet to discuss professional matters, exchange ideas, and recognize outstanding research efforts. Conferences include sessions designed for both the education of members and exchange of ideas on current public policy issues.

Stay up-to-date on top research nationwide
- GRA Reporter: A monthly email helps members keep in touch between conferences. The emails include news from individual organizations and a news feed of reports on key research topics.
- Webinars: The GRA offers occasional webinars to help members improve research skills and help member organizations to share research findings on subjects of interest across states.
- GRA Awards: At the conference, the GRA confers awards for Distinguished Research, Effective Citizen Education, and Policy Achievement. Member organizations and individual members are eligible to enter the awards competition.

Annual dues are $200 for individuals and $500–750 for organizations, entitling members to receive the following benefits:
Sign up your organization’s staff for our monthly newsfeed, highlighting research and policy briefs from all association members.
From advances in education policy to communication tools, the GRA provides webinars year-round to educate and support your organization.
Qualify to compete for GRA Awards, celebrating Distinguished Research, Effective Citizen Education, and Policy Achievement among all member organizations.
Register for our annual conference at a discounted rate.
Tap into our nationwide network of individuals engaged in governmental research.
GRA Membership Form
or download the membership form here.
Need more information? If you have any questions or comments, you can send them to Shawn at president@graonline.org or Annie at secretary@graonline.org.