The Trustees of the Governmental Research Association (GRA) are requesting submissions of best-in-class published research reports in the following topic areas, to serve as the basis for an anthology of GRA work targeted for e-publication in Fall 2024.  Reports must have been completed between January 1, 2022 and April 15, 2024.

The ideal submission will present a novel approach or model and be applicable to other jurisdictions, and clock in at 4,000-5,000 words. The Editorial Committee will review submissions and work with authors on any suggested edits.

  1. Housing – including but not limited to research on affordable housing, housing equity, the impact of subsidy programs or the regulatory environment on housing production, rural versus urban housing issues etc.
  2. Education – including but not limited to research on early childhood education, K-12 education, community college or higher education, funding models, approaches to rural or urban educational equity, facilities, student performance, etc
  3. Workforce development – including but not limited to research on the future of work, successful models for reintegrating formerly incarcerated individuals into the labor market, labor market equity etc
  4. Fiscal stability – including but not limited to research on tax policy, fiscal oversight, public pensions, budgeting and forecasting, fiscal stimulus (eg ARPA) and cliffs, etc
  5. Resiliency – including but not limited to research on impacts of climate change, energy policy, infrastructure, etc.
  6. Transportation – including but not limited to research on congestion, modes of transit (rail, bus, car, air, etc.), or transit operations issues such as finance or infrastructure.


Send submissions as Word or PDF files to, with the subject line “GRA Submission,” no later than 5PM EST on April 30, 2024.