Congratulations to all of our 2022 GRA Award Winners! The GRA Awards honor lifetime achievement in government research and the best research and policy work performed by our member organizations over the prior year. Click the links below to get an idea of the breadth and depth of policy achievement GRA represents!
Thank you to everyone who attended the first in-person GRA Awards Ceremony in two years. Our host Jeff Hornstein and the hardworking staff at the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia put together a fantastic dinner featuring Bruce Katz, Urban Policy Expert and Director of the Nowak Metro Finance Lab at Drexel University.
Special thanks to our behind-the-scenes wranglers of livestreams, zooms and food, Karina Manzo of the Civic Federation and Sam Nadol of the Economy League! And finally, thanks to Patrick Smith at CGR and Christopher Collard and Shawn Teigen of the Utah Foundation for their work putting together the tribute video for our Gruenberg Honoree Kent Gardner.
Welcome to the GRA’s 2022 Annual Conference Awards Page!
Frederick P. Gruenberg Award Winner
Dr. Kent Gardner
View the Frederick P. Gruenberg Award
GRA Awards Winners
Communications Category
+ Best Data Visualization: Wisconsin Policy Forum, Municipal Data Tool
+ Best Short-Form Writing: The Economy League of Greater Philadelphia, Inside Philadelphia’s Imminent Construction Boom
+ Best Video: Utah Foundation, The Missing Middle of the Housing Market
+ Best Original Commentary: Wisconsin Policy Forum, In Wisconsin, Racial Disparities in Homeownership are a Statewide Problem
Outstanding Policy Achievement Award
+ Local Government Issue: Wisconsin Policy Forum, Laying the Foundation
+ Local Government Issue (Certificate of Merit): Bureau of Governmental Research, Revitalizing New Orleans’ Office of Inspector General
Most Distinguished Research Award
+ State Government Issue: Utah Foundation, Going for the Green: How Utah Can Thrive in the New Climate Economy
+ Local Government Issue: Wisconsin Policy Forum, Taking Stock: Milwaukee Police Department Policies and Protocols in the Context of National Reform
+ Local Government Issue (Certificate of Merit): Bureau of Governmental Research, On the Ballot 2021-22 Report Series and Analytical Framework (Report 1, Report 2)
Most Effective Education Awards
+ State Government Issue: Wisconsin Policy Forum, Falling Behind? The State of Higher Education in Wisconsin
+ Regional/Multi-Jurisdictional Government Issue: EducationNC, A Playbook for Audience Engagement
+ Local Government Issue: Utah Foundation, Middle Housing Study
Thank you to everyone who made this event possible!